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To avoid potential errors that may occur, please ensure that you have done the following:
- Ensure the card is properly funded.
- While entering your billing information, make sure all fields have been entered correctly and that the information entered matches that assigned to your credit card.
- For prepaid gift cards, make sure they have been properly registered and activated with the card provider.
- Verify that there are no blocks on the card account.
As a security precaution, we have been forced to limit the number of transaction attempts you can make within a day. Please note this applies to the number of times, the same credit card is used on various accounts as well as the number of times a single account uses various cards.
If your credit card is being declined or if you are running into an error, please double-check all your credit card information before trying again. Avoid making too many transaction attempts, as this may cause further issues with your store account and even result in a block from being able to purchase at all.
Additional troubleshooting steps:
- Try to clean your browser cache and website cookies.
- Try using a different browser.
- Try removing your saved payment method and re-adding it.
- If you use a prepaid credit card, be sure to register online before using it. If no postal code or cardholder name is available, the payment will not be complete. We suggest contacting the card provider if you need further assistance with this.
- Try to use a different payment method for your order, or simply re-attempt the purchase later.
- Make sure you have a Credit/Debit Card linked to your PayPal account and that the 'Bill Me Later' feature is disabled, as our system does not support this feature.
- Make sure you have sufficient funds on your credit card and PayPal accounts.
- Your bank may have restricted access to your card for security reasons. Contact your credit card provider or bank to make sure that no fraud prevention is blocking your orders.
- If you are using Steam Wallet and the above steps did not help to resolve your issue, we recommend contacting Steam support.