Fiesta Online: Character Transfer Process

Modified on Mon, 23 Dec, 2024 at 4:26 AM

  • How can I transfer my character to another server?
    • You can do so by purchasing one of the Character Transfer Token available on the itemshop.
    • Once you acquire the item from the itemshop, you will have to move it from your Premium Inventory to the inventory of the character that you wish to transfer.
  • Can I transfer from the EU servers to the US servers and vice versa?
    • No this isn’t possible. You can only transfer within the EU servers (DE, FR & EU) or within the US servers.
  • How do I pick which server I want to transfer my character to?
    • You will be able to pick the server to which you would like your character transferred to by purchasing the corresponding Character Transfer Item.
    • For example, you can purchase the item “Character Transfer – Isya” and by moving the item in your character inventory, will set the character to be transferred to the server Isya.
  • What would happen if I moved two Character Transfer Items on one character?
    • The Character Transfer Item that was moved last, will be taken into consideration for the transfer. The other Item will be ignored but will be refunded in Fiesta Talers/Slime Coins on your account.
  • How many times can I transfer my character?
    • During the testing phase, characters will be transferable only once.
    • Once a character is moved it cannot be moved again. This is not subject to change in the near future.
  • Is there a minimum level requirement to transfer a character?
    • Yes, the character has to be min lv 95.
  • I bought a Character Transfer Item. When will the Character Transfer take place?
    • Can take up to 1½ week.
  • What will happen to my character name after the transfer?
    • If your character name was already taken on the server, you will be requested to rename your character upon login.
  • Will I keep my friend list after the Character Transfer?
    • No, the friend list will be reset after the transfer.
  • Will the items in the character’s inventory be transferred well?
    • Yes. All items found in the character inventory will be transferred. This also includes the reward inventory.
    • Transfer Exceptions:
      • Trading characters that have their inventory filled with gear might be rejected for the transfer.
      • Character transfer worldboss equipment restrictions. Characters targeted for transfer may only proceed with 1 weapon and 1 shield from the current Worldboss (Amatheon) or fewer, these items need to be equipped on the character scheduled for transfer.
      • Each character is looked at individually to verify this. A trading character is someone whose inventory is full of items to sell, but does not actively game or use said items himself.
  • Will I keep my Card collection and Titles after the transfer?
    • Yes, the character’s Card Collection and Titles will be transferred.
  • What will happen to the gold in my character’s inventory?
    • Gold (Ingame money) will not be transferred during the process. The gold (Ingame money) will be moved to the account storage of the origin server of the character.
  • Can I transfer a character that is set as a Guild Master or Academy Master?
    • No, this isn’t possible. You will have to make sure that your character is neither a Guild Master nor an Academy Master.
  • What happens if I have my character on Server Isya and I moved the item “Character Transfer – Isya” in the inventory of the same character?
    • In that case, the character transfer is not possible. The item will be refunded with Fiesta Talers/Slime Coins afterwards.
  • What happens if it wasn’t possible to transfer my character but I already moved the Character Transfer to my character inventory?
    • In the case where the transfer wasn’t possible due to the current restrictions or due to a technical issue, the item will be deleted and the Talers/Slime Coins will be put back on your account.
  • Is it possible to move characters on a server that already have all default 6 characters slots taken?
    • Yes, the additional characters will be available in different character selection pages.



  • Where can I obtain the Character Transfer Item?
    • The item to transfer a character can be purchased in the Itemshop using Talers or Slime coins.
  • Can I gift a Character Transfer Item?
    • No, this is currently not possible.
  • Is there a limit on how many of those Items I can acquire?
    • There is a limited stock for the Character Transfer Token available in the itemshop as this is a testing phase.
    • During the testing phase, an account will be able to purchase a limited amount of Character Transfer items.
  • Can I trade the Character Transfer item ingame?
    • No, this will not be possible.
  • The Transfer Item is currently out of stock. When will there be a restock?
    • The restock happens once the previous character transfer batch has been completed.