Fiesta Online: Game Rule

Modified on Mon, 23 Dec, 2024 at 4:26 AM



1. Naming Rules

? Character, guild, shop, and estate names should not be offensive or inappropriate for a general audience. Players are encouraged to choose names that are not difficult to read or type.

Therefore, they should not:

- Offensive
- Racist
- Extremist (right- or leftwing)
- Glorifying violence/terrorist
- Indecent
- Being sexist

Names in other languages may be used but are subject to the same rules. It’s forbidden to use the names of official members of the Fiesta Online Staff in any variation.


2. Mobbing

? Intentionally manipulating or luring mobs to a certain location in order to get the mobs to attack other players is prohibited.


3. Spot-claiming

? It is not possible to claim exclusive rights to an area (spot-claiming) or claim ownership of mobs or resources (mines/herbs/etc).
? Monsters and level spots cannot be "claimed" by individuals or groups. The highest damage and/or last hit on a monster determines who gets the item drop or quest item.
? Nobody has the right to disturb or obstruct other players and/or groups.
? Violation of this rule is considered negative in-game behaviour ( Section 4 of the game rules)
At this point we would like to appeal to the behaviour of all players. Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.


4. Behaviour/ Harassment

? In-game behaviour that negatively affects other players' ability to enjoy the game in the way it is intended is prohibited.
? Preventing players from exiting a map when they want to, for example, within a free battle zone, is considered harassment.
? Following players and preventing them from questing or farming is considered harassment.

5. Chats

? 5.1 Insulting - Using in-game chat to cause offence or nuisance is prohibited. This includes bad language, threats, and unnecessary spamming.
? 5.2. Third-party advertising - Using in-game chat to advertise websites that are not authorised by gamigo, or discuss cheats is prohibited.


6. Bug Abuse

? Bugs are errors or faults in the game that produce an incorrect or unexpected result or cause it to behave in unintended ways. Abusing it, or intentionally triggering bugs for personal gain is prohibited.
? Players are encouraged to report bugs to the in-game team or to support.


7. Trading

? Conducting trade under false pretences is prohibited. The Fiesta Online team does not endorse enhancing items for gold, this is done at your own risk. Trading in Slime Coins is allowed but at your own risk. If any problem occurs, the Fiesta team will neither refund the Slime Coins nor cancel the in-game trade. You will be solely responsible for this kind of transaction. However, we reserve the right to apply sanctions if we receive several complaints about the same player.
? Any form of real money trading is prohibited.


8. Cheating

? Manipulating the game files or using third-party programs to modify gameplay is prohibited, UI Reskins are the only officially allowed modification of game files.
Exceptions are explicitly optical changes to the user interface.


9. Account Safety

? 9.1. It is forbidden to ask other players for their account details (usernames and/or passwords), sharing your account or selling your account is strictly forbidden. gamigo staff will never ask you for your account password. This includes allowing other players to use or have access to your account.
? 9.2. The creation of more than one account is allowed as long as not more than five accounts can be assigned to one player. When determining bug using or similar infractions with one of these five accounts, all five accounts will be penalised as the one having broken the rules.

There will be no repercussions for players that already had more than 5 accounts before May 17th, 2017 as long as none of these accounts were used for any prohibited activities.

? The Fiesta Online Staff will never ask for your password.
? Asking other players for account details is prohibited.
? It is no longer necessary to register game accounts used from the same household/location with gamigo.


10. Game Masters

? 10.1. Performance duties - Causing interference or nuisance, and preventing Game Masters from carrying out their duties are prohibited. This includes repeatedly sending friend/party/trade requests and giving false/misleading information to Game Masters. The decisions and actions of the Fiesta Online Team are to be followed.
? Game Masters will not accept friend/party/trade requests or give in-game currency or items to players.
? Punishments for wrongdoing against the Fiesta Online Team (insulting, swearing, flooding, harassment, or arrogance) are punishable by a temporary ban.
? The decisions and actions of the Fiesta Online Team are to be followed. If a player tries to go around or avoid a decision already made by a gamigo employee or GM, in which they, for example, ask another gamigo employee or GM about the same infraction, it will lead to a temporary ban from the game.

(Disagreements with GMs and their choices are always to be reported to the CM, highest-ranked Game Master or Support!)


11. Unauthorized assumption of authority

? Claiming to be or have influence over a game master, moderator or staff member of gamigo is prohibited.

12. Sanctions

? The game rules and the General Terms and Conditions form a unified and binding unit.
? gamigo and the Fiesta Online team reserve the right to change and enforce the rules at their sole discretion
? In general, the following actions will be taken for each rule infraction.
- Official warning
- Timed Ban
- Permanent ban

? Each infraction will be investigated by a Game Master or gamigo staff member and appropriate action will be taken. For privacy reasons, we do not discuss the specific actions taken with other players. Multiple infractions will accumulate punishment and are not exclusive.


13. Rules and Terms of Service

? The rules are to be followed plus the general Terms of Service
? Violations of the rules will be primarily dealt with by gamigo employees or GMs. The gamigo employees or GMs are empowered to jail people or other necessary measures to meet the actions against the rules and report them.