Action Bar settings

Modified on Tue, 17 Dec, 2024 at 11:49 AM

First, navigate to the Options menu and select "Settings". You can get there by pressing the escape key or clicking "Main Menu" from your menu bar at the bottom of your screen.

Once at the Settings menu, click "Interface", then "Action Bars". This section provides the action bar settings available in-game.

  • Always Show All Action Bars - When this box is checked, your action bars will always be displayed and never fade out.
  • Lock Ability Buttons - When this box is checked, abilities and items can not be dragged, moved or deleted.
  • Clear buttons for removed abilities - When this box is checked, unlearned abilities (those that require points in a Soul) are removed from your action bars when you purchase a Soul Reset.
  • Use abilities on keypress - Abilities or items in your action bars are used when its key is pressed, rather than when it is released.
  • Bottom Action Bars - There are 7 choices: "One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, or Seven". When "One" is chosen, the only bar displayed on the bottom will be the original action bar when logging in for the first time. If "Two" is chosen, a bar directly above the original bar will be added. If "Seven" is chosen, six extra bars will be added directly above the original action bar.
  • Side Action Bars - There are 5 choices "None, One, Two, Three, or Four". When "None" is chosen, there will be no action bars on the right side of the screen. When "One" is chosen, there will be one bar on the right side of the screen. If "Four" is chosen, there will be four bars directly next to each other on the right side of the screen.
  • Ability Queue - Changing this value to Full will always allow one ability to be queued. Changing to Short gives a short time period in which an ability can be queued at the end of the current cast or cooldown.