Customizing the User Interface

Modified on Tue, 17 Dec, 2024 at 11:49 AM

RIFT includes many options for customizing the user interface to fit your own preferences and style of play. These options allow you to set the number of action bars and the layout of many of the interface elements in the game.

To find the interface customization options, press "Escape" while in the game and then click on the Settings button. In the Settings window, all of the interface options will be under the Interface heading.

Below is a list of all of the options as well as a description of each:

Action Bars

  • Always Show All Action Bars: Enabling this setting will always display all action bars that are activated, meaning that they will never be hidden.
  • Lock Ability Buttons: Enabling this setting will lock all ability buttons in place, meaning they cannot be moved or deleted.
  • Clear Buttons for Removed Abilities: Removes unlearned abilities when your skill points are reset.
  • Use Abilities on Keypress: Use abilities when you first press a key instead of when you release that key
  • Bottom Action Bars: This drop-down menu allows you to choose how many horizontal action bars you want displayed at the bottom of the screen.
  • Side Action Bars: This drop-down menu allows you to choose how many vertical action bars you want displayed on the right side of the screen.
  • Ability Queue: Changing this option to Full will always allow one ability to be queued. Changing it to Short will allow a short time at the end of the current cast or cooldown in which an ability can be queued. Changing it to None will disable ability queuing.


  • Smart Camera: This is enabled by default, and is the standard camera behavior for the game. This ensures that the camera remains where it is set by default.
  • Camera Shake: Enables effects which cause the camera to shake.
  • Invert Y-Axis: This inverts the vertical camera movement from the default setting.


  • Auto Self-Cast: Enabling this setting causes your character to automatically cast beneficial abilities such as heals on themselves when no friendly target is selected.
  • Smart Target: Enabling this setting will cause your abilities to target the nearest enemy if no enemy is selected.
  • Sticky Targeting: Enabling this setting helps prevent loss of target due to keystrokes or events other than target's death.
  • Show Target of Target: Enabling this setting will display whatever NPC or player that your target is targeting.
  • Cast on Target's Target: Enabling this setting will cause your character's spells and items to cast on the target of your target instead of directly on your target.
  • Show Combat Meters: Enabling this will allow you to see your enemies' health and endurance meters directly above the character along with the combat meters by their portrait.
  • Show All Party Buffs: Enabling this option will cause all party buffs to be displayed by character portraits when you are in a party. Otherwise, only your buffs on your party members will be displayed.
  • Show Only My Debuffs On the Target: Enabling this option will cause only your debuffs to display beneath your target's portrait.
  • PvP Auto Flag: Enabling this option will cause you to automatically become flagged for PvP if you take a PvP action such as attacking an enemy player or healing a friendly player who is engaged in PvP.
  • Show Raid Member Tooltips In Combat: Enabling this option will cause tooltips stating your raid members' names and levels to appear when you mouse over their portrait in the raid group display.


  • Auto-Add Quest Tracking: Enabling this setting will automatically add new quests to the Quest Tracker as they are received.
  • Show Buff Durations: Enabling this setting will show the duration of buffs on the buff icons.
  • Global UI Scale (Percent): Enabling this setting will allow you to use the Global UI Scale slider. Increasing the value of the slider will increase the size of your UI elements, while decreasing the value of the slider will decrease the the size of those elements.
  • Reset UI: Selecting this option will reset your UI scale and layout, but not the other Interface options mentioned on this page.


  • Tutorial Tips: Enabling this will allow Tutorial Tips to appear when a new element of the game is encountered.
  • Reset Tutorial: Clicking this button will reset the Tutorial Tips to display whenever a previously encountered element of the game is encountered again.


  • Enable AoE Looting: Enabling this setting will allow you to gather loot from all nearby dead enemies by just clicking one.
  • Auto-Loot Button: This setting allows you to select what button to press to automatically loot all items. The choices available are Shift, Ctrl, Alt, or None. For example, selecting "Shift" allows you to hold "Shift" while right-clicking enemy corpses to automatically loot all the items.
  • Auto-Loot By Default: Enabling this option will cause you to automatically loot all items from enemy corpses when you right-click on them.
  • Automatically Decline All Guild Invitations: Enabling this setting will automatically decline all guild invitations from other players.
  • Focus Cast Button: This setting allows you to select what button to press to enable Focus Cast. The choices available are Shift, Ctrl, Alt, or None. For example, selecting "Shift" will allow you to cast on your Focus Target by holding down the "Shift" button when you cast your ability.
  • Head Tracking: Enabling this option will cause your character to turn their head towards their target.
  • Click to Move: Enabling this option will allow you to move your character by left-clicking on the screen


  • Look Speed: This setting is a slider bar that allows you to adjust the speed of mouse-looking while in the game. The speed of the mouse will increase as the slider is moved to the right, and decreased when moved to the left.


  • Show Your Name: Enabling this setting will display your character name above your character.
  • Show NPC Names: Enabling this setting will display the names of NPCs above the actual NPC.
  • Show Party Member Names: Enabling this setting will display the names of all party members above their respective characters.
  • Show Friendly Player Names: Enabling this setting will display the names of all friendly characters above the characters.
  • Show Friendly Pet Names: Enabling this setting will display the names of all friendly characters' pets above the pet.
  • Show Enemy Player Names: Enabling this setting will display the names of all enemy characters above the character.
  • Show Enemy Pet Names: Enabling this setting will display the names of all enemy characters' pets above the pet.
  • Show Target Name: Enabling this setting will display the name of any friendly or enemy player character or NPC that is currently targeted, regardless of the other settings.
  • Smart Nameplates: Enabling this option will display nameplates in the world only when they are moused over.

Screen Messages

  • Target Damage: Enabling this setting will display the amount of damage sustained by your target as it is received.
  • Periodic Damage: Enabling this setting will display the amount of periodic damage above the character as it is received.
  • Self Damage: Enabling this setting will display the amount of damage your character receives as it is received.
  • Pet Damage: Enabling this setting will display the amount of damage sustained by a pet as it is received.
  • Healing: Enabling this setting will display the amount of health that has been restored to your character as it is restored.
  • Dodge/Miss/Parry/Block: Enabling this setting will display messages regarding any dodge, miss, parry, or blocks that happen in the course of combat.
  • Damage Reduction: Enabling this setting will display the amount of damage that has been reduced due to any effect.
  • Reactive Effects: Enabling this setting will display a message indicating a reactive effect as it occurs.
  • Low Health: Enabling this setting will display a message indicating that your health is low when it goes below a certain threshold.
  • Buffs: Enabling this setting will display a message indicating any buffs that have been received, as they are received.


  • Enable Chat Bubbles: Enabling this setting will display /say and /yell chat in chat bubbles above characters' heads.
  • Enable Party Chat Bubbles: Enabling this setting will display all communications between members of your party in chat bubbles above characters' heads.
  • Enable Profanity Filter: Enabling this setting will filter out all known profanity from the chat console and chat bubbles.
  • Guild Member Log On/Log Off Notification: Enabling this setting will show notifications in guild chat whenever a guild members logs in our out of the game.

Status Text

  • Player: Enabling this setting will display numbers in the player's Health and Ability bars.
  • Pet: Enabling this setting will display numbers in pets' Health and Ability bars.
  • Party: Enabling this setting will display numbers in party members' Health and Ability bars.
  • Target: Enabling this setting will display numbers in your target's Health and Ability bars.
  • Experience Bar: Enabling this setting will display numbers in your experience bar.
  • Display Percentages: Enabling this setting will display the percentages of all values in status bars.


  • Log In: This button brings up a login screen from which you can log in to your Twitter account.
  • Log Out: This button will log you out of your current Twitter account.
  • Hide UI For Screenshots: Enabling this option will hide your game UI when you take in-game screenshots with /tweetpic.
  • Auto Tweet Achievements: Enabling this option will automatically send out a tweet with a screenshot whenever your character earns an achievement. Please note that if the Hide UI For Screenshots option is enabled, the Twitter screenshot will not display what achievement you earned.
  • Auto Tweet Discoveries: Enabling this option will automatically send out a tweet with a screenshot whenever your character is the first on the server to obtain a particular item. Please note that if the Hide UI For Screenshots option is enabled, the Twitter screenshot will not display what you discovered.