General Commands
/cancelbuff <Buff Name> | Removes the specified buff |
/camp | Logs out the character. You can add a character name from the same shard after /camp to automatically log in with the specified character. |
/combatlog | Toggles the combat log |
/dismount | Dismounts the character |
/dungeoninfo | Toggles Dungeon lockout information |
/exportkeybindings<Name> | Exports the keybindings to a file you specified in the RIFT directory so that you can import it on another computer. |
/exportui <Name> | Exports your UI to a file you specified in your RIFT folder |
/filter | Toggles the profanity filter |
/follow | Automatically follows the selected character |
/help | Returns a full list of available commands |
/importkeybindings<Name>.dat | Imports the name of the exported keybindings |
/importui<Name>.dat | Imports the UI settings that were previously exported. |
/inspect | Displays the targetted character information |
/loc | Shows your location in the world in a set of coordinates |
/logout | Logs your character out |
/macro | Opens up the Macro Editor |
/motd | Shows the message of the day |
/played | Shows your total playtime |
/pvp | Toggles your character's PvP flag |
/rand <mininum> <maximum> | Returns a random number between the numbers you specified. Maximum is 1,000,000 |
/roll | Returns a random number between 1-100. |
/trade<PlayerName> | Opens the trade window with the specified character |
/tweet <Text> | Sends a tweet directly from in-game through your attached twitter account. |
/tweetpic <Text> | Tweets text with an attached screenshot |
/who | Opens up the social menu and displays all players that are currently in your zone or instance |
Group Commands
/clearmark | Clears the current mark |
/clearallmarks | Removes all marks |
/demote <PlayerName> | Demotes the specified player from their position |
/partyleave | Leaves the party you're in |
/invite <PlayerName> | Invites the specified player to the party |
/promote <PlayerName> | Promotes the specified player to raid leader |
/leader <PlayerName> | Promotes the specified player to party leader |
/leave | Leaves the party or raid you were in |
/lfg | Adds you to the Looking for Group channel |
/mark <#> | Marks your target with a number. |
/raid_create | Creates a raid |
/raid_disband | Disbands your raid |
/readycheck | Performs a readycheck for your party or raid. |